(S1) (A.I.Mal'cev) Describe the automorphism group of a free solvable group of finite rank. In particular, is this group finitely generated? Background
(S2) (M.I.Kargapolov) The word problem for groups admitting a single defining relation in the variety of all solvable groups of a given derived length. Background
(S3) (M.I.Kargapolov) Is it true that every group of rank > 2 admitting a single defining relation in the variety of all solvable groups of a given derived length, has trivial centre? Background
(S4) (M.I.Kargapolov) Is there a number N = N(k,d) so that every element of the commutator subgroup of a free solvable group of rank k and derived length d, is a product of N commutators? Background
(S5) (P.M.Neumann) Is it true that if A, B are finitely generated solvable Hopfian groups, then AxB is Hopfian?
(S6) (V.N.Remeslennikov) The conjugacy problem for finitely generated abelian-by-polycyclic groups.
(S7) (D.Robinson) Is there a finitely presented solvable group satisfying the maximum condition on normal subgroups, with unsolvable word problem ?
(S8) (G.Baumslag, V.Remeslennikov) Is a finitely generated free solvable group of derived length 3 embeddable in a finitely presented solvable group?
*(S9) (B.Fine, V.Shpilrain) Let u
be an element of a group G. We call u a test
element if, whenever f(u)=u for some endomorphism
f of the group G, this f is actually an automorphism
of G. Does the free solvable group of rank 2 and derived length
d>2 have any test elements?